Steve Sage (9)

Calculating Energy Requirements

There is a big debate about whether calories in, calories out gives you the entire picture when it comes to nutrition. See for example, "Why most food labels are wrong about calories" or "Not all calories are created equal". However, if you're just starting to track…

What is the single best thing we can do for our health?

There was an article on the BBC website this week with the attention-grabbing headline "Training very hard 'as bad as no exercise at all'". A Danish study looked at all-cause mortality in 1000 joggers and 3000 sedentary people. It found that joggers whose exercise level was…

Testing VO2 Max

VO2 max is regarded as the benchmark measure of cardio fitness. It's the highest rate at which oxygen can be consumed during exercise or the maximal rate at which oxygen can be taken in, distributed, and used by the body during physical activity. A number…

How to add 11lbs of muscle in 28 days - Occam’s Protocol

One of the most important conclusions I have come to in my experiments in health and fitness so far is that you have to measure everything. It’s impossible to draw any firm conclusions unless you have some numbers to analyze. I’ve always been a data…

Can fish oil help recovery from brain injury?

Listening to the Ben Greenfield podcast this week and his guest was JJ Virgin a nutritionist and fitness expert. She was on the podcast primarily to talk about how to get amazing arms and legs (according to Ben she has the most impressively toned arms…